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Tasks of the General Secretariat
The General Secretariat shall undertake the following:
Ensuring the management of the professional path of university employees while respecting the powers of the college and the institute in this fieldPreparing the university’s draft budget and following up on its implementation Ensuring follow-up funding for laboratory and research unit activities Ensuring the good conduct of the common interests of the universityDeveloping and promoting cultural and sporting activities programs for the university Ensuring the follow-up and coordination of the university’s internal security plans in coordination with the Ministerial Office for Internal SecurityEnsuring the management and preservation of archives and documentation for the university directorateEnsuring the organization and management of the university officeThe General Secretariat, to which the Organization Office and the Internal Security Office are attached, includes the following sub-directories:
Sub-Directorate for Users and Training Sub-Directorate of Finance and Accounting Sub-Directorate of Means and MaintenanceSub-Directorate for Scientific, Cultural and Sports ActivitiesEvents and announcements
Submission of the directorate
It is a space for training and developing students’ knowledge, and providing them with scientific capabilities appropriate to the needs of the environment, which unleashes their energies to contribute to the comprehensive development of the country, in addition to being an outlet for university users.
Therefore, the Sub-Directorate of Scientific, Cultural and Sports Activities is one of the most important student spaces that seeks to achieve a set of lofty goals and objectives, the most important of which is the qualitative training that is in line with the requirements of the era and the requirements of current life, in addition to developing skills, discovering talents, encouraging them and working to refine them, in addition to structuring student activity, whether in relation to the organizational framework, or activating the mechanisms desired from various activities, especially those characterized by an entertaining, educational, awareness-raising and guidance nature, within the framework of devoting the culture of creativity, project and institution, and for this reason the Directorate undertakes to embody a work program that includes organizing annual activities, which are represented in the following:
01- Scientific activity: This falls within the scientific formation of the student, with the aim of improving his level, expanding his horizons and experiences, and giving him the opportunity to complete his pedagogical formation, and benefiting his academic path and scientific life, and enabling him to see the external environment, by acquiring new knowledge and skills, which is the role that is mainly performed by the scientific clubs affiliated with the directorate, which are considered a gateway that enables the student to achieve his personal project.
02- Awareness-raising activity: This activity aims primarily to develop the sense of citizenship and raise the social awareness of the student, by involving him and making him feel responsible, by enabling him to engage in voluntary group work, whether inside or outside the university environment, which is done primarily through awareness-raising campaigns, including tree-planting and cleaning campaigns, awareness-raising operations to preserve pedagogical spaces, green spaces, and making some visits to various needy groups and people with special needs.
03- Cultural activity: It represents the heart of the pedagogical process, and the essence of intellectual and scientific activities through which the student is introduced to various sciences and knowledge outside his field of scientific specialization, especially those related to the arts, discovering the national and global heritage and interacting with civil society. This is achieved through knowledge of cultural and civilizational spaces across different regions of the country, such as theater, museums and archaeological sites, in addition to organizing cultural and recreational trips with the aim of developing cultural tourism among students, in addition to holding exhibitions and training workshops affiliated with the directorate, including the theater and monologue workshop, video, photography, design, drawing, decoration and Arabic calligraphy, engraving on gypsum and engraving on wood, traditional industries and decorative art, etc.
04- Sports activity: This activity is considered the real outlet for the student, and even the fertile field through which the student expresses his physical and intellectual abilities, considering that a healthy body is in a healthy mind, and on this basis this aspect enjoys a great deal of importance, which is evident in opening the door to training in various individual and group sports, including football, basketball, chess, swimming, and combat sports. In addition to this, participation in national and local courses organized by the Directorate, which enables students to hone their talents, develop their competitive abilities, and consolidate the values of fruitful cooperation by establishing friendships and relationships among them and learning about everything new in this field.
05- Recreational activity: If the student seeks to achieve his goal for which he struggled to reach the university stage, which is to achieve success and win the three stages of university education, the first stage (Bachelor's), the second stage (Master's), and the third stage (PhD), all of these stages require constant work and the necessary effort to reach the goal, but constant work and excessive exhaustion of the student himself may lead to a stage of boredom or shock with despair, and here the role of the sub-directorate of activities appears in entertaining the soul, planting hope and a smile and breaking the barrier of boring routine, and creating a space in which the student can rest, to take a deep breath that enables him to continue his academic path with excellence, and just as the employee, whether a professor, administrator or any worker in the university, has a rhythm and path that he follows, which is that path represented in serving the student, and he is also concerned with creating a space for him to vent and relieve himself from the fatigue that he has suffered that may have affected his performance at work.
6- Enhancing prevention against health risks: by organizing many demonstrations and activities, awareness and information days related to ways of raising awareness and sensitizing to the importance of prevention to preserve the health of students, such as celebrating the Pink Month, preventing the risks of electricity and gas, diabetes, reducing traffic accidents, etc.
In addition, the Sub-Directorate of Activities welcomes international students and shows great interest in them by introducing them through various activities with the aim of strengthening human ties between students from different countries and enhancing cultural exchange between international and Algerian students.
The Sub-Directorate of Activities also provides the opportunity for international students to engage in various student activities, nurture their talents and encourage their creativity, which is a meeting place for different nationalities and an introduction to the different cultures of peoples. The Sub-Directorate of Activities opens the door for them to establish and engage in various clubs.

Mr.: Ghabash Ezz El-Din
Interests Sub-Directorate for Scientific, Cultural and Sports Activities

- 0021332120720 || 0021332120740
- University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar - El Oued - P.O. Box: 789 El Oued, Algeria
- [email protected]
Related Links
- Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
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- The digital floor of the Ministry of Progress
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