The Director of Al Wadi University supervises a meeting on the university’s classification, visualization, and the use of technological means in teaching

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The Director of Al Wadi University supervises a meeting on the university’s classification, visualization, and the use of technological means in teaching
Today, October 3, 2023, Professor Omar Farhati, Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, supervised an evaluation meeting on the university’s classification, visibility, and the use of technological means in teaching.
The meeting was attended by the Vice-Rectors of the University, Deans of the Faculties and their Vice-Rectors for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research, the Director of the Medical Annex, the Secretary-General of the University, the Sub-Director of Resources and Maintenance, the Head of the Networks Department, and members of the Local Committee for Monitoring the University’s Classification and Visualization.
The University President opened the meeting by emphasizing the importance of classification and visibility in raising the level of the university to the ranks of international universities, pointing out the importance of evaluating the level of classification and visibility of Wadi University and studying the strengths to continue with them and the weaknesses to address and improve them.
Professor Tayr Zuhair gave a presentation on the international classification of universities and the scientific standards adopted in that, the impact classification, the data placement table, the strategy for improving visibility, and exploiting freelance platforms for social media platforms. Professor Tayr Zuhair explained that the failure of Al Wadi University to enter the classification is due to not achieving the minimum condition, which is obtaining 1000 scientific articles in the last five years in Scopus, with a minimum of 150 articles per year.
Dr. Ben Saghir Al-Basheer also presented an intervention on the Spanish Web Matrix criteria for the visibility and classification of universities, which is based on several criteria, including visibility and scientific publications for the last three years in Google Scholar. He also provided an assessment of the performance of the university website and the observed technical problems. For his part, Dr. Attia Abdel Malek presented on the university classification criteria in QS, which is an annual report in which more than 30 thousand universities around the world are ranked and compared according to academic and scientific criteria based on the structural structure of universities. 
The meeting also addressed the issue of using technological means in teaching, where the deans of the faculties gave presentations on the extent of using these modern means in pedagogical activity, such as magic boards and smart display screens. The university president stressed the need to completely generalize the use of technological means in all classrooms and to completely get rid of traditional teaching means.
 The meeting witnessed extensive discussions and several proposals were put forward to improve the classification and visibility. The university president also formed a technical committee to follow up on the classification of the impact and visibility of the university, evaluate it, and identify strengths and weaknesses to address them in order to raise the university’s level to a world-class level.









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