The Faculty of Islamic Sciences at Al Wadi University organizes an international scientific symposium on the question of development in the thought of Malek Bennabi

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The Faculty of Islamic Sciences at Al Wadi University organizes an international scientific symposium on the question of development in the thought of Malek Bennabi

Today, October 30, 2024, the activities of the international scientific symposium entitled: The Question of Development in the Thought of Malek Bennabi, which will last for two days at the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, in cooperation and participation with the Center for Islamic Studies in Kairouan in Tunisia, began within the framework of cultural exchange and scientific cooperation with Tunisian border universities. The international scientific symposium was opened by Sheikh Abdel Fattah Hamidatou with clear verses from the Holy Qur’an, followed by the Algerian national anthem. The Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Rahmani, began the speech to welcome the attendees from inside and outside the country, introduce the forum and highlight its objectives. This was followed by a speech by the Head of the Center for Islamic Studies in Kairouan, Prof. Dr. Bashir Abdel Laoui, who emphasized the strong scientific relations between the center and the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at the University of El Oued, and explained the importance of this symposium in studying the thought of Malek Bennabi. The Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar in El Oued, Professor Omar Farhati, opened the activities and works of the international scientific symposium by welcoming the attendees from within the country and from Tunisia and Egypt, recalling the sacrifices of the martyrs of our glorious revolution, as we celebrate the seventieth anniversary of a revolution that taught the world and its free people how man triumphs over the brutal French colonialism and colonialism, highlighting the universality of the thought of Malek Bennabi, may God have mercy on him, and his role in the cultural and social development of the method and life of societies and peoples and building the foundations of civilization and the interaction of its elements, man, time and land. The Director praised the Dean of the College and his scientific and administrative team, who are distinguished by positivity, moderation and professionalism in performing their duties.

After announcing the official opening of the international scientific symposium, the attendees toured the exhibition of scientific products of the college professors, where the university director and the participants in the forum toured with the mujahid and writer Bashir Khalaf and the guests of the forum from our national universities and from Tunisia and Egypt.

 The first scientific session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Youssef Abdel-Lawi, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the College of Islamic Sciences, who managed it in an organized and organized manner. The participating professors raised the question of development in the thought of Malek Bennabi and the features of developmental and civilizational awareness in him. The session ended with the students and researchers responding and raising their problems and additions, which the professor answered accurately.

 The second session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Bashir Abdel-Lawi, Head of the Center for Islamic Studies in Kairouan. The lecturers presented the equation of civilization and its effectiveness in social development and civilizational change according to Malek Bennabi. They explained the obstacles to achieving development in it and the role of man in the development project according to Malek Bennabi. The researchers and students raised questions that the professors answered and clarified their problems.

To continue the scientific symposium work tomorrow on the question of development in the thought of Malek Bennabi.


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