Showing 333-336 of 1792 results

Conclusion of the activities of the National Forum “Current and Future Challenges for the Algerian University” at the University of El Oued

November 2, 2022

اختتام فعاليات الملتقى الوطني” التحديات الراهنة والمستقبلية للجامعة الجزائرية” بجامعة الوادي اختتمت اليوم 31 أكتوبر 2022  بجامعة الشهيد حمه لخضر فعاليات الملتقى الوطني الأول ” التحديات الراهنة والمستقبلية للجامعة الجزائرية” الذي دام يومين وتوزعت أشغاله بين القاعة الكبرى للمحاضرات أبو القاسم سعد الله والورشات بكليات الجامعة. وبعد تلاوة التوصيات كرمت الأسرة الجامعية باسم السيد مدير الجامعة البروفيسور عمر فرحاتي المشاركين في الملتقى وعدد من الشخصيات العلمية من باحثين وخبراء وأساتذة جامعيين. وقام السيد مدير الجامعة بمعية الأب المجاهد البروفيسور معراج جديدي بتكريم السادة: لطرش محمد الهادي رئيس الندوة الجهوية لجامعات الشرق، مقران عبد الحفيظ رئيس المجلس الوطني لأخلاقيات المهنة ، …

Inaugurating a hall for automated media and inspecting the workshops of the National Forum of the Algerian University at the University of El Oued

October 31, 2022

Inauguration of a hall for automated media and inspection of the workshops of the National Forum of the Algerian University at the University of the Oued. Today, October 31, 2022, the Director of the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, accompanied by the President of the Regional Symposium for Eastern Universities, Professor Mohamed Al-Hadi Latrash, inaugurated the automated media hall for students of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Commercial Sciences, which accommodates about 25 pedagogical seats equipped with automated information. The university rector was accompanied by his deputies for pedagogy, development and forecasting, the dean of the college, and a number of the college’s administrative and pedagogical staff. The university rector and the head of the university symposium talked with the students and the professor of standards, Jedidi Musa, about academic achievement, digitization, applications on the computer, and its importance for student formation...

Launching of the National Forum on the current and future challenges of the Algerian University 

October 31, 2022

Launching of the National Forum on the Current and Future Challenges of the Algerian University Today, October 30, 2022, at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar in Oued, the National Forum on the Current and Future Challenges of the Algerian University was launched, hosted by the Grand Lecture Hall, Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah, over two full days. The scientific demonstration took place in the presence of the local authorities, led by the Governor of the Saeed Valley State, Akhrouf, the President of the State People’s Assembly, and a number of parliamentarians and elected representatives. The demonstration was also marked by a large presence of the university family, including professors, students, and guests interested in the Algerian university. Many professors, researchers and scientific events that came from several university institutions across the country participated in activating this national forum...

The process of studying the files of candidates for a Latvian scholarship to study a full semester at full costs at Riga Technical University

October 30, 2022

The process of studying the files of candidates for a scholarship to Latvia to study a full semester at full costs at Riga Technical University. Within the framework of student mobility in the Erasmus program, the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar today, in the office of the Vice Chancellor for External Relations, Professor Qada Al-Habib, is in the process of studying the files of candidates for a scholarship to Latvia to study a full semester at full costs at Riga Technical University. university, under the supervision of a specialized committee that studied the files, consisting of _Professor Fares Asaadi, _Dr. Manai Shaima, _Dr. Mahmoudi Abdel Qader, _Professor Qaisi Muhammad Al-Saeed. [robo-gallery id=”13380″]