A coordination meeting for Algerian and Tunisian border universities under the framework of the 5+5 agreement
The local competition qualifies for the National University Radio Competition
The application was announced by The international student scholarship (ISS) 1-For more details please visit the following link: https://io.uin-malang.ac.id/en/iss2023/ 2-The deadline for the application is: April 30th,2023 Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic University (Indonesia)
Scholarship offer for students in Romania The application was announced by Romanian Government for students 1-For more details please visit the following link: http://www.imm.gov.ro/ro/2023/03/30/acordarea-de-burse-destudii-in-romania-pentru-cetatenii-straini-anul-universitar-20232024/ 2-The deadline for the application is: April 01st to June,30th,2023 Scholarship offer for students in Romania