Showing 105-108 of 1780 results

Annonce Importante : Programme de Bourses d’Études de la République d’Autriche pour l’Année Universitaire 2024-2025

December 5, 2024

Annonce Importante : Programme de Bourses d’Études de la République d’Autriche pour l’Année Universitaire 2024-2025 Le Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique informe que des bourses d’études sont offertes pour l’année universitaire 2024-2025 par le Ministère Fédéral de l’Éducation, des Sciences et de la Recherche de la République d’Autriche :Public cible Étudiants diplômés Enseignants-chercheurs :Informations complémentaires Toutes les informations concernant les conditions d’obtention des bourses d’études et de recherche, ainsi que celles relatives à d’autres programmes de bourses offerts par des institutions autrichiennes, sont disponibles sur le site web suivant Instruction importante Tous les candidats qui …

(Apple à Candidature au program de Technique et Economique Collaboration (ITEC)

December 1, 2024

(Apple based on the Technique and Economic Cooperation Program (ITEC) - The Ministry of Supervision and Scientific Research is the first to call in the Favor of superior functions in the staff of: the Cooperation Program. Techniques and Economics «ITEC» Lancé by the Indian government offrant les trois formations suivantes 1- Progress to Proficiency-5: distributed to English and Foreign Languages University, on February 4, 2025 March 3, 2025 2- Progress to Proficiency-6: distributed to English and Foreign Languages University, March 5, April 1 2025 3- Specialized Programme on IOT (Internet of Things): dispensée par…

Call for Applications for the “Fulbright Visiting Scholars” Program

December 1, 2024

Call for Applications for the “Fulbright Visiting Scholars” Program Call for Applications for the “Fulbright Visiting Scholars” Program The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research invites Algerian teacher-researchers holding a doctorate or equivalent degree and residing in Algeria to submit their applications for the “Fulbright Visiting Scholars” program, initiated by the US Embassy Program Objective: The program offers selected candidates the opportunity to conduct research or teach at American higher education institutions for a period of 3 to 6 months Application Deadline: The call for applications is open until December 7, 2024: Useful Resources Details of the call for …

Critères de selection du program Stipendium Hungaricum

November 26, 2024

Criteria for the selection of the Stipendium Hungarian programme, These students are in the cadre of the Stipendium Hungarian program proposed by the Hongrois Government for the year 2025-2026, the University informs the students of the decisions related to the selection: Candidates are eligible for selection. The candidate may submit a maximum of (03) majors for the program*. Candidates due to be inscribed on the anniversary of the License (L3) or Master (M2) during the university year 2024-2025* .Les Students do this major promotion or promotion The premiers of the academic class* Process in this class In the case of selection of candidacies, the list in the class list will begin again...