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Result of selection for Erasmus + exchange program to university of Sapienza Italy

October 20, 2022

  Result of selection for Erasmus + exchange program to university of Sapienza Italy‏ Results of the ranking of students nominated for the Italian University of Sapienza scholarship After the oral interview process for students applying for the Italian Sapienza scholarship under the Erasmus Plus program for student and academic exchange, which took place on Monday, March 1, 2021 in the central administration, a committee concluded The arbitration is in the following order: Wissal Mudalal - Bouhlal Zanobia Nour Al-Huda - Tijani Omaima - Kabsa Ayman - Qadda Ahmed - Bousabi Salah Israa - Anan Salah El-Din - Ghadeer Ibrahim Muhammad - Shaker Layadi - awaiting completion of the final selection procedures with the Italian University.