Showing 437-440 of 1772 results

The University of the Valley is strongly present at the National Scientific Week in Setif

May 17, 2022

The University of the Valley is strongly present in the National Scientific Week in Setif under the slogan “We innovate, innovate and believe.” The activities of the Second National Scientific Week, organized at the University of Setif 1 Farhat Abbas by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, were launched on Monday, May 16, 2022, in conjunction with the commemoration of the anniversary. 66 for National Student Day, May 19, in commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of independence. The University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, under the supervision of the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, participates in this scientific demonstration with remarkable force in three scheduled axes: energy security, food security and citizen health, in addition to the science club exhibitions. The Secretary General of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research gave a signal...

Preparations of the University of Oued for the National Scientific Week at the University of Setif 1.

May 16, 2022

Preparations of the University of El Oued for the National Scientific Week at the University of Setif 1. In preparation for the National Scientific Week scheduled to be held starting from May 16, 2022, the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar-El Oued - and after the arrival of its representatives to the University of Ferhat Abbas - Setif 1 - began putting the final touches on various activities. It will participate in the presentations of institutions on energy security, food security and citizen health, as well as scientific clubs for students in its section related to food security. The university director, Professor Dr. Omar Farhati, and his deputy in charge of external relations, Professor Dr. Qaddah Al-Habib, accompanied the professors and students participating in the scientific event, in which the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar-El Oued was distinguished by its distinguished participation in all the presentations. [robo-gallery id=”6533″]         

Cultural criticism is the subject of a doctoral workshop at Al Wadi University

May 16, 2022

Cultural Criticism is the subject of a doctoral workshop at the University of El Oued Cultural criticism was the focus of the doctoral workshop organized on 05/14/2022 by the Laboratory of Cognitive Integration between Arabic Language Sciences, Literature and Social Sciences. The workshop was led by Dr. Midani Bin Omar and Dr. Thuraya Barjouh, in the presence of doctoral students from the Faculty of Arts and Languages, and supervised by Dr. Fatiha, the supervisor of the workshop, which, according to students and professors, achieved a good level of interaction and unprecedented attendance, especially since the workshop focused on the applied aspects of poetry and narration alike. [robo-gallery id=”6524″]           

The novel “The Atheist Baqi Bin Yaqzan” is the subject of an intellectual symposium at Al Wadi University

May 16, 2022

رواية ” الملحد بقي بن يقظان” موضوع ندوة فكرية بجامعة الوادي نظم يوم 15 ماي 2022 مخبر التكامل المعرفي بين علوم اللغة العربية والعلوم الاجتماعية بجامعة الشهيد حمه لخضر ندوة فكرية حول راوية ” الملحد بقي بن يقظان” للروائي الدكتور عبد الرشيد هميسي أستاذ النقد العربي بجامعة الشهيد حمه لخضر -الوادي-وقد تناولت الندوة التي جرت فعاليتها بالتنسيق  مع نادي الإشراق الأدبي لكلية الآداب واللغات بالجامعة موضوع رواية الكاتب من الناحية الفنية والموضوعاتية حيث ترأس جلسة  الندوة الأستاذ سعد مردف وشارك في  المناقشة طلبة وعدة وجوه أدبية وفكرية من بينها الأستاذ الأديب بشير خلف، والدكتور يوسف بديدة، والدكتور سعد مردفوتتحدث الرواية …