Showing 453-456 of 1792 results

Linguistic composition in the Souf region during the colonial period is the subject of a study day at the University of the Valley

May 12, 2022

Linguistic composition in the Souf region during the colonial period, the subject of a study day at the University of the Valley. On May 11, 2022, the laboratory for cognitive integration between the Arabic language sciences and the social sciences of the Faculty of Arts and Languages at the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar Al-Oued organized a study day on linguistic composition in the Souf region (notables and works) with the participation and presence of An elite group of professors and interested people. The scientific event was supervised by Professor Dr. Masoud and led by the Dean of the College. According to the director of the laboratory, Professor Dr. Nabil Mezouar, this scientific event aimed to contribute to building the national scientific memory, as well as to highlight the efforts of SOF scientists in preserving the national identity through these scientific monuments. It also aims to save…

 A scientific symposium held by the Entrepreneurship House at the University of the Valley for students of the Department of Automated Media and Informatics

May 12, 2022

 A scientific symposium for the Entrepreneurship House at the University of the Oued for students of the Automated Media and Informatics Department. The Entrepreneurship House at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar - El Oued - in the “Mediatech” lecture hall, on Wednesday evening, activated a media day and a scientific symposium in coordination with the Laboratory for Growth and Economic Development in the Arab Countries and the National Agency for Entrepreneurship Support and Development under the title Accompanying university students in supporting and financing innovative projects. The symposium was in cooperation with the Department of Automated Media at the Faculty of Exact Sciences at the University of the Valley. This symposium was designated for graduate students majoring in informatics, and was attended by the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Abdel-Wahab Mansour, in addition to professors and students of the Automated Information Department. Professor Khalifa Abdel Nasser, director of the symposium, opened the activity, welcoming the attendees and emphasizing…

The College of Natural and Life Sciences inaugurates the International Conference on Valuing Alternative Plants and Degraded and Marginal Lands

May 12, 2022

The College of Natural and Life Sciences opens the work of the international conference on the valorization of alternative plants and degraded and marginal lands. The work of the international conference on the valorization of alternative plants and degraded and marginal lands was launched this morning, May 11, 2022, where the conference was opened in its opening session by Professor Dr. Qaddah Al-Habib, the university’s deputy director in charge of relations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he conveyed to the participants at the national and international levels and to all attendees the greetings of the University Rector, Professor Dr. Omar Farhati, and praised the conference for the contributions its topic, axes and objectives carry within the framework of land reclamation and sustainable development of agriculture to achieve national food security. The Dean of the College of Natural and Life Sciences, Dr....

Dar Al Entrepreneurship at the University of the Valley organizes a symposium on Islamic financing for emerging institutions

May 11, 2022

دار المقاولاتية بجامعة الوادي تنظم ندوة حول التمويل الإسلامي للمؤسسات الناشئة نشطت دار المقاولاتية بجامعة الشهيد حمه لخضر-الوادي- اليوم الأربعاء 11 ماي 2022 ندوة علمية حول آليات التمويل الإسلامي للمؤسسات الناشئة، وقد كانت مخصصة لطلبة السنة النهائية في الليسانس تخصص الاقتصاد النقدي والبنكي بالتنسيق مع رئيس التخصص ورئيس قسم العلوم الاقتصادية. هذه الندوة التي انطلقت على الساعة 11 صباحا بقاعة المناقشات بالكلية حضرها إلى جانب الطلبة عديد الأساتذة من أجل إثراء هذا الموضوع المهم. وقد أطر الندوة كل من : –  الأستاذ الدكتور مفيد عبداللاوي: (مدير الندوة) الذي أكد على ضرورة تبني فكرة المشاريع الخاصة من طرف الطلبة الذين سترافقهم …