University of Kelantan Malaysia Scholarship Offer University of Kelantan Malaysia Scholarship Offer Four scholarships for students for the academic year: 2021/2022 Send to: for download
Master in Laser, Plasma and its Applications at Hellenic Mediterranean University in Greece Deadline 15.09.2021 Application LaPlA INVITATION FOR ENTRY APPLICATIONS MSc LAPLA_2021-2022
Scholarships for professors and students at Sapienza University - Italy - within the framework of the Erasmus Plus program The University of El Oued received an offer from the Italian Sapienza University of Rome, which is a study and teaching grant within the framework of the mobility of international students - ERASMUS + program. The grants are intended for the following categories: Students category Duration of study: One semester Bachelor's degree: Second and third year Master's degree: All levels Doctorate: Starting from the second year Available departments: All departments available at the receiving university, and you can also view them at the following link: For Bachelor's and Master's degrees: For doctoral students: Professors category Duration: 7 days (5 teaching days + 2 travel days) Required conditions: - Grants …
Scholarship for outstanding students to study at Nicolause Copernicus University in Poland within the framework of the Erasmus Plus program El Oued University received an offer from Nicolause Copernicus University in Poland, Faculty of Earth Sciences, which is a fully funded scholarship to study within the framework of student and academic exchange +Erasmus at the aforementioned university in the following scientific specializations: Student category: Required specializations: Soil and water sciences Geology Biology Duration of study: 2 months Levels: 2nd year Master's Doctorate: starting from the second year Required files for students: - Certificate of registration for the current year - Certificate of ranking in the batch (for the last season for doctoral students, ranking 05 years Master's) - Transcripts of grades for the study path (in English) - Motivation letter…