Showing 9-12 of 1430 results

Announcement of organizing a professional examination session

January 18, 2024

—————————————————————————————– Announcement of organizing a professional examination course of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar Al-Wadi Examination Center Announcement of organizing a course for conducting competitions and professional examinations The examination center at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar announces the organization of courses for conducting competitions and professional examinations for the benefit of various public departments and institutions. This is to join the following ranks: Consultant Superintendent, Chief Superintendent, Superintendent, Analyst Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Principal Attaché of Administration, Chief Engineer in Automated Information, Principal Engineer in Automatic Information, State Engineer in Automatic Information, Assistant Engineer...

The director of the research unit developing renewable energies at the University of the Valley holds a meeting with members of its council and heads of its research teams

January 18, 2024

The Director of the Research Unit, Developing Renewable Energies at the University of the Valley, holds a meeting with members of its Council and heads of its research teams. This evening, Wednesday, January 17, 2024, the Council of the Research Unit, Developing Renewable Energies in the Arid Areas of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, held a meeting regarding the distribution of financial appropriations for the management budget for the year 2024. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Muhammad Al-Tayeb Wasif Khaled, Director of the Research Unit, in the presence of the distinguished professors, researchers, members of the Unit Council, and heads of the various research teams affiliated with the Research Unit. The director of the unit gave a presentation on the relevant financial appropriations and the new budget code, and members of the unit council and heads of research teams discussed ways to activate work within the unit and adjust the work program for the current year...

Valley University holds a meeting with the Belarusian State Technical University

January 18, 2024

The University of the Valley holds a meeting with the Belarusian State Technical University. Today, January 17, 2024, the Directorate of Foreign Relations and Cooperation of the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar organized a remote meeting with representatives of the Belarusian State Technical University. The meeting was chaired by the University’s Deputy Rector for External Relations and Cooperation, Dr. Mohamed Fouad Farhat, the person in charge of international cooperation, Dr. Mahmoudi Abdel Qader, the person in charge of the international cooperation program and the promotion of English language teaching at the university, Dr. Dahda Nasr, Mr. Zakaria Karsho, for the Erasmus program, and Dr. Mahfouz Babaw Ismail, a professor at the College of Natural Sciences. The two parties discussed ways of cooperation and academic and research exchange between the two universities, where the official of international relations at the Belarusian university, Elena Yanukovych, confirmed the openness of the university…

نائب مدير جامعة الوادي للبحث العلمي يعقد جلسة عمل مع الأمناء العامين

January 17, 2024

نائب مدير جامعة الوادي للبحث العلمي يعقد جلسة عمل مع الأمناء العامين   عقد اليوم 17 جانفي 2024 نائب مدير جامعة الشهيد حمه لخضر المكلف بالبحث العلمي البروفيسور رحومة فرحات بمكتبه اجتماعا تنسيقيا بحضور كل من مدير وحدة البحث والسادة الامناء العامون للكليات، وهذا لدراسة ومناقشة توزيع ميزانية المخابر لسنة 2024. حيث فتح السيد نائب مدير الجامعة للبحث العلمي النقاش حول فهم المتطلبات المختلفة للمخابر مع الامناء العامين وناقش وضعية المخابر وصرف الميزانية لسنة 2024 وشرح سجلات الجرد والملاحظات مع التنسيق بالمدونة الجديدة ، داعيا السادة الحضور إلى تنفيذ كل الإجراءات التي نصت عليها المدونة التي عبر الامناء العامون للكليات …