Showing 969-972 of 1772 results

The Department of History, Martyr Hama Lakhdar University, and the Supreme Youth Council of the Valley visited the site of the famous Battle of Hood Karim in Hassi Khalifa. This battle was led by the martyr leader Hama Lakhdar on November 17, 1954.

October 30, 2022

The Department of History, University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, and the Supreme Council of Youth in the Valley on a visit to the site of the famous battle of Hood Karim in Hassi Khalifa. This battle, which was led by the martyr leader Hama Lakhdar on November 17, 1954, was attended by Professor Rachid Qussiba and Dr. Abdelkader Karkar, as well as members of the ancient Islamic Scouts and our students from the Department of History and from the University of Martyr. Hama Lakhdar visited the site of the famous Hassi Khalifa battle and introduced the sacrifices of the men. This battle, which was led by the martyr leader Hama Lakhdar on November 17, 1954, is considered the first military battle in the blessed liberation revolution. Thanks go to our esteemed professors and to the Supreme Council for Youth in the Valley, Dr. Ayoub Sharqi, and our colleague, Dr. Qaytoubi Osama, and the rest of the members. Get to know us...

The launch of the first issue of the “From the University” program this season on Radio Algeria from Oued and Mughir

October 30, 2022

The launch of the first issue of the program “From the University” this season on Radio Algeria from El Oued and Mughayir. The launch of the first issue of the program “From the University” this season on Radio Algeria from El Oued and Mughir, under the supervision of the Central Media and Communication Cell at the University of Martyr Hamma Lakhdar. Presented by the two professors: Dr. Abdel Hamid Faraj and Dr. Abdullah Raqiq, with the contribution of an elite group of university students. We welcome all your suggestions, opinions, and participation. The share is from you and to you. It is broadcast every Saturday at 15:10 on Radio Algeria from the valley. [robo-gallery id=”13364″]

Al Wadi University participates in the celebration of the anniversary of the restoration of sovereignty over the Radio and Television Building 

October 30, 2022

جامعة الوادي تشارك في الاحتفال بذكرى استرجاع السيادة على مبنى الاذاعة والتلفزيون  شاركت جامعة الشهيد حمه لخضر الوادي اليوم في ندوة اعلامية نُظمت بمقر اذاعة الجزائر من الوادي والمغير بحضور السلطات المحلية على رأسها السيد والي الولاية والسيد رئيس المجلس الشعبي الولائي، وذلك بمناسبة الذكرى الستين لاسترجاع السيادة على الاذاعة والتلفزيون الجزائرين، المتزامنة مع 28 اكتوبر من كل سنة، تحت شعار:دور الاذاعات المحلية في التنمية. الندوة افتتحت بآيات بينات من الذكر الحكيم، تلتها الاستماع للنشيد الوطني، ثم ألقت السيدة فوزية بن شرودة مديرة الإذاعة كلمة رحبت فيها بالحضور مذكرة بدور الاذاعة في النظال ضد المستعمر الغاشم، مؤكدة على الدور الفعال …

The Director of Al Wadi University concludes his field visits to the colleges 

October 30, 2022

The Director of El Oued University concludes his field visits to the faculties Today, October 27, 2022, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, concluded his field visits to the faculties and the Institute of Islamic Sciences. This series of practical visits that the Director of the University began two weeks ago is part of the follow-up and monitoring of the work of university institutions and ensuring their smooth running in terms of pedagogical, scientific and managerial aspects. The last stop of the field visits program included the Institute of Islamic Sciences, the Faculty of Arts and Languages, the Faculty of Economics, Management Sciences and Commercial Sciences, and the Faculty of Law and Political Science. The Director of the University was accompanied by his deputies, the Secretary-General of the University and the Sub-Director of Resources and Maintenance. These visits took place in the presence of the administrative and pedagogical team…