Results of the nomination for the first year of the Master’s degree, the second year of the Master’s degree, the third year of the Bachelor’s degree 2022/2023, Faculty of Exact Sciences, Results of the study of the files 3, the nomination for admission to the first year 20 percent, Media to the results of the study of the files, the first year of the Master’s degree, Department of Mathematics, Results of the study of the nomination files for admission to the first year of the Master’s degree in Physics, Radiation and Energy, Results of the study of the nomination files for admission to the first year of the Master’s degree in Medical Physics, Results of the study of the nomination files for admission to the first year of the Master’s degree in Chemistry, Study of the nomination files for the second year of the Master’s degree in Chemistry, Minutes of the selection committee meeting, the second year of the Master’s degree in Information Technology, Minutes of the selection of students for the second year of the Master’s degree in Mathematics, Results of the study of the nomination files, the second year of the Master’s degree in Physics 02, Applied Radiation and Energy, Results…
نتائج الترشح السنة الأولى ماستر السنة الثانية ماستر السنة الثالثة ليسانس 2022 / 2023 كلية الآداب واللغات نتائج ماستر أدب حديث نتائج ماستر أدب شعبي_1 نتائج ماستر لسانيات عامة نتائج ماستر نقد حديث_2 نتائج ماستر إنجليزية 2023 نتائج ماستر فرنسية 2023
Student Delegation 2022/2023 First Semester College of Technology College of Natural and Life Sciences College of Arts and Languages College of Social and Human Sciences College of Economics, Business and Management Sciences College of Law and Political Sciences College of Exact Sciences Institute of Islamic Sciences
Timetables 2022/2023 First Semester Faculty of Technology Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences Faculty of Arts and Languages Faculty of Social and Human Sciences Faculty of Economics, Business and Management Sciences Faculty of Law and Political Sciences Faculty of Exact Sciences Institute of Islamic Sciences