Regarding participation in the 7th Youth Forum on Heritage in the Russian capital Moscow, the Directorate of University Cooperation and Exchange at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research received an invitation to participate in the 7th Youth Forum on “Heritage”, which the Moscow City Government intends to organize on November 21-22, 2024, within the framework of developing bilateral relations between Algeria and Russia in the field of arts. The organizing body has extended an invitation to Algerian student researchers and young professionals specialized in the field of architectural restoration to participate via videoconferencing. This year’s forum aims to involve student researchers specialized in this field from various foreign universities in order to discuss correct architectural restoration methods and the importance of integrating restored monuments into modern urban spaces and making them…
Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) Opportunity From University of El Oued to Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia For Master and PhD Students We are pleased to announce the Erasmus+ ICM 2024 mobility opportunities for both staff and students to visit Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) in Estonia. This program supports academic exchange under the Erasmus+ ICM framework, with partial funding available for selected applicants: Mobility Details: Student Mobility for Studies (SMS): 3 students, 5 months each: Financial Support: Eligible participants will receive financial support, which includes travel and Subsistence contributions:Travel Support EUR 580 per participant (one-time): Individual Support EUR…
Annonce : Candidatures pour la Bourse d’Études en Russie – Année Universitaire 2025-2026 Dans le cadre de la coopération universitaire internationale, le Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique informe les étudiants de l’ouverture des candidatures pour des bourses d’études en Russie pour l’année universitaire 2025-2026. Ces bourses sont destinées aux étudiants en dernière année de Master qui souhaitent poursuivre des études doctorales en Russie :Disciplines concernées Intelligence artificielle* Mathématiques appliquées* Nanotechnologie* Systèmes autonomes* Cybersécurité* :Documents requis : Les étudiants intéressés sont priés de soumettre les documents suivants Copie du baccalauréat* Relevés de notes des années de Licence …
Tunisian-Algerian Universities Conference 5+5 Terms of Reference Innovation Challenge for Development 5+5