China Scholarship Wadi University received an offer for a scholarship to the People's Republic of China for Master's/PhD students for the year 2022/2023. For more information on the registration method and conditions, please visit the following website: The last date for submitting files to the Directorate's office is: February 08, 2022.
China University of Renmin Scholarship Al Wadi University has received an offer for a scholarship to the People's Republic of China (University of Renmin) Changyang) for (Master's) students for two years starting from: September 2022 to study a Master's in Contemporary Chinese Studies (in English). Registration is through the following website: The last date for initial registration is before: 04/30/2022. offerrede bourses de université renmin en chine
Korea Scholarship Wadi University received an offer for a scholarship to the Republic of Korea (KOICA) for the year 2022 for Master's + PhD students. For more information, please see the following website or the attached file: 연수홈페이지 ( Application deadline: April 27, 2022 PhD Student Guide Link: Ph.D program in Digital Innovation Application Guidelines Application Guideline for Master's and Doctorate Degrees
Application for pedagogical positions in Tunisia The University of El Oued has received an offer of a scholarship to the Republic of Tunisia (not funded by the university) for students in the 3rd year of Bachelor's + 2nd year of Master's. Deadline for submitting applications: Sunday, May 15, before 12:00. *On behalf of the Directorate of External Relations through the faculties. For more information on the required specializations, please see the attached files. Application form communicated annexes 1 and 2