Showing 201-114 of 114 results

Azerbaijan Scholarship

May 10, 2022

Azerbaijan Scholarship Invitation to register to study in Azerbaijani universities for the benefit of Algerian students (Masters + Doctorate + Medicine). Students wishing to register should review the guide attached to the announcement. Deadline is February 20, 2022. Offer de bourse Azerbaijan Scholarship

Serbia Scholarship

May 10, 2022

Serbia Scholarship Invitation to register to study at Serbian universities for the benefit of Algerian students (Master + Doctorate) in science and technology. Students wishing to register should review the guide attached to the announcement. Deadline is Thursday, January 20, 2022. Serbian scholarship offer  

Mauritius Scholarship

May 10, 2022

Mauritius Scholarship The University of Oued has received an offer for a scholarship to the Republic of Mauritius for the benefit of Algerian students in the field of science and technology, with the selection of 05 students (Bachelor's), 05 students (Master's) and 05 students (PhD). - To know the required documents and how to register, please see the attached guide. The last date for submitting files to the faculties is February 08, 2022. - The last date for submitting files to the Vice-Rectorate of the University for External Relations is February 10, 2022. Mauritius scholarship offer  

Hungary Scholarship

May 10, 2022

Hungary Scholarship Call for registration for the FAO scholarship to study in Hungary 2022-2023 for Algerian students (Bachelor's + Master's) in the specialization: Nutrition Control and Quality Assurance - For more information, please see the attached guide or the following website: Registrations start from January 15, 2022 until February 28, 2022. FAO Scholarship Offer (CRU)