Showing 53-56 of 280 results

Congratulations, Mr. University President, to all professors accepted for promotion to the rank of lecturer, Department A

March 3, 2024

Congratulations from the University Rector to all professors accepted for promotion to the rank of Lecturer, Department A. The Rector of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, on behalf of the entire university family of the University of Oued, extends congratulations to all professors accepted for promotion to the rank of Lecturer, Department A, wishing them more successes and excellence in their scientific and research future.

Important lecture: Artificial intelligence in the service of emerging enterprises

March 3, 2024

An important lecture: Artificial Intelligence in the Service of Emerging Enterprises In coordination with the House of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar El Wadi, the University Business Incubator at the university is organizing a lecture entitled Employing Artificial Intelligence in the Service of Emerging Enterprises on Monday, March 4, 2024 at 9:00 am in the Grand Lecture Hall, Abu Al-Qasim. Saadallah at the Central University of Shatt. A general invitation to all students of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar El Oued. All university professors in its eight colleges and the medical annex. Students who own projects registered in the university business incubator. Graduate students who own projects in institutions under construction. Attendance is necessary and certain for all target groups to revolutionize the use of artificial intelligence in university and research activities at the university.