Showing 453-456 of 891 results

A meeting with the Russian University of Naberezhnye Chelny to open a Russian language learning center in Algeria and an annex to the University of the Valley

September 7, 2023

Meeting with the Russian University of Naberezhnye Chelny to open a Russian language learning center in Algeria and an annex to the University of El Oued Today, Tuesday, September 5, 2023, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, and his Deputy for External Relations, Professor Qaddah Al-Habib, participated in a remote meeting that included the Director and executives of the Russian University of Naberezhnye Chelny, the Vice-Director of the University of Biskra for Scientific Research, Professor Salim Bitam, and the Vice-Director of the University of Algiers 2, Professor Asmaa Qased. The meeting discussed all aspects and preparations for the opening of the Russian language learning center at the University of Algiers 2 and an annex to the center at the University of El Oued and the University of Biskra. The meeting also discussed all logistical and pedagogical aspects of studying at the center, and the date and program of the visit of the Director of the University of Naberezhnye Chelny…

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in Batna visits the new medical attaché at the University of the Valley

September 7, 2023

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in Batna visits the new medical annex at the University of El Oued Today, 05-09-2023, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, received in the central administration a high-level delegation from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Batna, led by the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Ben Abbas Al-Munsif, a specialist in forensic medicine; This was within the framework of a practical visit to the new medical annex affiliated with the aforementioned Faculty of Medicine. The reception was attended by the Vice-Rectors of the University, the Secretary-General of the University, the Dean of the Faculty of Biology and the person in charge of managing the medical annex. The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine was accompanied on this practical tour by the Head of the Department of Medicine, Professor Karfi Maryam, a specialist in forensic medicine, and the President of the Pedagogical Scientific Council for the First Year of Medicine, Professor Anoun…

University of El Oued in a coordination meeting with the Universities of Biskra and Algiers 2 to open a Russian language learning center

September 5, 2023

University of El Oued in a coordination meeting with the Universities of Biskra and Algiers 2 to open a Russian language learning center Today, Tuesday, September 5, 2023, a meeting was held between the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, and his Deputy for External Relations, Professor Qaddah Al-Habib, and Professor Bitam Salim, Deputy Director of the University of Biskra for Scientific Research, and Professor Qassed Asia, Deputy Director of the University of Algiers 2 for External Relations via videoconferencing. The meeting dealt with the visit of the Russian delegation to the University of Napier-Genie Chelly to Algeria to open a Russian language learning center at the University of Algiers 2 and open annexes to the center at the University of El Oued and Biskra. The meeting dealt with all logistical aspects and comprehensive conditions for study. The opening of the learning center is considered…

جامعة الوادي تشارك في الندوة الوطنية لرؤساء الجامعات

September 5, 2023

جامعة الوادي تشارك في الندوة الوطنية لرؤساء الجامعات   شارك اليوم 4 سبتمبر 2023 السيد مدير جامعة الشهيد حمه لخضر البروفيسور عمر فرحاتي رفقة السيد مدير المدرسة العليا للفلاحة الصحراوية البروفيسور سقاي سفيان  والسادة نواب مدير الجامعة للبحث العلمي والتكوين البروفيسور بوبكر منصور و للعلاقات الخارجية البروفيسور قدة الحبيب والتنمية والاستشراف الدكتور الاسود عبد الحليم ومدير حاضنة الأعمال الجامعية الدكتور محمد فؤاد فرحات في اجتماع الندوة الوطنية لرؤساء الجامعات عبر تقنية التحاضر عن بعد، هذا اللقاء الذي ترأسه السيد وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي البروفيسور كمال بداري بمقر الوزارة وضم اللقاء السادة رؤساء الندوات الجهوية للجامعات شرق-غرب-وسط  والسيدات والسادة مدراء …