Showing 1245-934 of 934 results

Results of the selection of professors and students for an Erasmus scholarship to the Technical University of Briga in Latvia

November 2, 2022

Result of selection for Erasmus + exchange program to RIGA Technical, Latvia October 27th, 2022 After the selection process that was held at the Vice rectorate for External Relations for the student’s Mobility to RIGA Technical University, Latvia The meeting takes place on October 27th, 2022, at 2 pm: The ranking of the students was as follows Yamina Hafian Marwa Houmadi: For the academic staff, the evaluation and selection are as follows Prof. Zohir TIR Prof. Abdelkader HIMA

A committee to follow up and implement the university digitization plan at the University of El Oued

November 2, 2022

A committee to follow up and implement the university digitization plan at the University of the Oued. Today, October 31, 2022, Mr. Director of the University of Shahid Hamma Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, formed a committee to follow up and implement the university digitization plan, in implementation of the instructions of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and this in the presence of the deputy directors, the deans of the colleges, and the director of the Institute of Islamic Sciences. As well as the head of the quality assurance cell and the center for media systems and communication networks. A preliminary calendar has also been set to read the project document and build a groundwork to begin work. The committee consists of research professors and specialists in automated media and quality in higher education. [robo-gallery id=”13539″]