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The Secretary General of the University of the El Oued holds a preparatory meeting for the closing ceremony of the 2023/2024 university season

June 13, 2024

The Secretary-General of the University of the Valley holds a preparatory meeting for the closing ceremony of the university season 2023/24, under the guidance of the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati. Today, June 12, 2024, the Secretary-General of the University, Dr. Shawqi Mudallal, held a coordination meeting in preparation for the closing ceremony of the university year 2023-2024 in the administration’s meeting room. Central, in the presence of the General Secretaries of the colleges, the representative of the Sub-Directorate of Activities, the Central Media and Communication Cell of the University, the coordinator of the closing ceremony, Dr. Abdel Hamid Faraj, the Sub-Director of Means and Maintenance, the official of the Audio-Visual Center, and the head of the Cleaning Department. The Secretary-General of the University opened the meeting, pointing out the great importance of the event and consolidating the traditions of the University of the Valley in its excellence and creativity. Mr. also stressed…