Showing 313-316 of 934 results

Announcement of the opening of nominations for the “Five-Star Student” certificate

June 13, 2024

Announcing the opening of nominations for the “Five-Star Student” certificate, in implementation of the policy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, which includes the creation of a new motivational certificate for students to engage in all areas of university life, called the “Five-Star Student” certificate. The state committee in charge of studying and awarding the “Five-Star Student” certificate is pleased to learn. Male and female students have begun receiving applications for candidacy to obtain the “Five-Star Student” certificate in accordance with the attached conditions. Students who meet the conditions and wish to be nominated must apply for the certificate according to the attached link, and submit the following documents electronically according to the attached link. (Imagine each Documents with the student card and collect…

Elections to renew scientific bodies at the University of the El Oued

June 13, 2024

Elections to renew the scientific bodies at the University of the Valley Within the framework of the renewal of the scientific bodies of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, the process of electing the scientific councils of the faculties, the scientific committees of the departments, and the scientific council of the university began this morning, Sunday, June 9, 2024. The university's Deputy Rector for Scientific Research, Professor Farhat Arhouma, supervised the electoral process in all colleges, along with the deans.  

The final ranking of candidates for the level improvement training program abroad for the year 2024, employee category

June 5, 2024

Final ranking of candidates for the placement improvement training program abroad for the year 2024 User category Final ranking list Common departments and the central library Final ranking list General Secretariat Final ranking list Director’s deputies Final ranking list for the placement improvement program abroad College of Natural and Life Sciences Final ranking list for the placement improvement program abroad College of Science The final ranking list for the placement improvement program abroad, College of Law and Political Sciences The final ranking list for the placement improvement program abroad, College of Technology The final ranking list, College of Economic, Commercial, and Management Sciences The final ranking list, College of Islamic Sciences The final ranking list, College of Social and Human Sciences The final ranking list, College of Arts and Languages