The Director of El Oued University chairs a coordination meeting to upgrade the classification and visibility of the university. Today, Tuesday, May 28, 2024, the Director of the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised a consultative coordination meeting regarding upgrading the classification and visibility of the university, in the presence of the Deputy Directors for Pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai, for External Relations, Professor Mohamed Fouad Farhat, and for Development and Foresight. Professor Ammar Al-Zoubi, the general coordinator of the university’s classification and visibility project, Professor Tair Zuhair, the network and digital officer, the media director, professors, specialized employees, and researchers. When he opened the meeting, the university director asked, before the meeting began, to pause for mercy and read the opening of the book to the soul of our colleague, brother Professor Bakkar Hariz Al-Orabi. The meeting began with a speech...
An important announcement regarding the summoning of students by Zakri Ahmed Bouzidi Bouzidi bin Omar Israa
The Twenty-Sixth National Forum on the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over the Palestinian Territories - Pathways to Accountability and Obstacles to Prosecution