Showing 417-420 of 891 results

The Director of the University of the Valley supervises the launch of extending the opening times of the Central Library to ten at night

October 2, 2023

  The Director of El Oued University supervises the launch of the extension of the opening hours of the central library until 10 pm Today, October 1, 2023, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised, along with the Secretary-General of the University, Dr. Shawki Madallal, the launch of the work of extending the new opening hours of the central library until 10:00 pm. The process of extending the new time is part of the implementation of the new ministerial instruction related to extending the opening hours of higher education institutions’ facilities until 10:00 pm to ensure that the higher education institution remains in a state of continuous activity in accordance with the specificity of university life, especially the pedagogical and research aspects. The Director of the University received…

The Director of the University of the Valley gives the business incubator the signal to start work at the new time, at ten at night

October 2, 2023

  The Director of the University of El Oued gives the business incubator the signal to start work with the new time until 10 pm Today, October 1, 2023, the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, who was accompanied by the Secretary General of the University, Dr. Shawqi, gave the signal to start work for the business incubator with the new time that extends until 10:00 pm. This operation is part of the implementation of the new ministerial instruction related to extending the opening hours of higher education institutions according to the mentioned time to ensure the continuity of the activity of the higher education institution in response to the requirements of the specificity of life in the university environment, especially in its pedagogical and research aspects. The University Director was received by the Deputy Director of the Incubator, Professor…

The director of El Oued University meets with the National Union of Higher Education Professors

September 27, 2023

   The Director of the University of the Valley meets with the National Federal Syndicate of Higher Education Professors. Today, September 26, 2023, the Director of the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, met with the President and members of the office and council of the National Federal Syndicate of Higher Education Professors of the university. This meeting falls within the framework of periodic meetings organized by the University Rector with the social partners, upon entering the university, on various university family issues that concern this union. The meeting was attended by the deputy rectors of the university in charge of pedagogy, external relations, development and foresight, the Secretary-General of the University, the sub-director of cultural, scientific and sports activities, the sub-director of employees, and, on the part of the members of the social partner, the head of the union, Professors Qadiri Abdel…

The director of the University of the Valley meets with the General Union of Algerian Workers

September 27, 2023

   The Director of El Oued University meets with the General Union of Algerian Workers Today, September 26, 2023, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, met at the headquarters of the central administration with the President of the General Union of Algerian Workers, Atatfa Hajar, accompanied by Ghamima Al-Arousi. The meeting agenda included several points of interest to the social partner, including the file of promotions, internal and external employee internships and registrations, the concerns of cleaning workers, the food file, worker transportation and the cleanliness aspect, etc. The meeting was attended by the Vice-Directors of the University in charge of Development and Foresight, the Director of Pedagogy, Professor Manai Bashir, the Secretary-General of the University, the Sub-Director of Cultural, Scientific and Sports Activities, and the Sub-Director of Users. The attendees discussed all issues…