Showing 781-784 of 905 results

Al Wadi University participates in the celebration of the anniversary of the restoration of sovereignty over the Radio and Television Building 

October 30, 2022

جامعة الوادي تشارك في الاحتفال بذكرى استرجاع السيادة على مبنى الاذاعة والتلفزيون  شاركت جامعة الشهيد حمه لخضر الوادي اليوم في ندوة اعلامية نُظمت بمقر اذاعة الجزائر من الوادي والمغير بحضور السلطات المحلية على رأسها السيد والي الولاية والسيد رئيس المجلس الشعبي الولائي، وذلك بمناسبة الذكرى الستين لاسترجاع السيادة على الاذاعة والتلفزيون الجزائرين، المتزامنة مع 28 اكتوبر من كل سنة، تحت شعار:دور الاذاعات المحلية في التنمية. الندوة افتتحت بآيات بينات من الذكر الحكيم، تلتها الاستماع للنشيد الوطني، ثم ألقت السيدة فوزية بن شرودة مديرة الإذاعة كلمة رحبت فيها بالحضور مذكرة بدور الاذاعة في النظال ضد المستعمر الغاشم، مؤكدة على الدور الفعال …

The Director of Al Wadi University concludes his field visits to the colleges 

October 30, 2022

The Director of El Oued University concludes his field visits to the faculties Today, October 27, 2022, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, concluded his field visits to the faculties and the Institute of Islamic Sciences. This series of practical visits that the Director of the University began two weeks ago is part of the follow-up and monitoring of the work of university institutions and ensuring their smooth running in terms of pedagogical, scientific and managerial aspects. The last stop of the field visits program included the Institute of Islamic Sciences, the Faculty of Arts and Languages, the Faculty of Economics, Management Sciences and Commercial Sciences, and the Faculty of Law and Political Science. The Director of the University was accompanied by his deputies, the Secretary-General of the University and the Sub-Director of Resources and Maintenance. These visits took place in the presence of the administrative and pedagogical team…

The governor of the state meets the university family at his office

October 27, 2022

The Wali of the State meets the university family at his office On October 26, 2022, at his office, Mr. Wali of the State of El Oued Said Akrouf met with the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, his deputies, the deans of the faculties, the Director of the Institute of Islamic Sciences, the Director of University Services, the Directors of University Residences, and the officials of the Media and Communication Cell of the Central Administration. Mr. Wali of the State was accompanied during the meeting by the President of the State People's Assembly, Ezzeddine Hassani, with whom the university family had previously held several meetings in the framework of strengthening mutual relations between the university and the elected body. This meeting, which Mr. Wali of the State of El Oued dedicated to the university family, is part of the initial introductory meetings that…

The Education, Training, Higher Education and Vocational Training Committee of the Wilaya People's Assembly of El Oued visits the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar

October 27, 2022

The Education, Training, Higher Education and Vocational Training Committee of the People's Provincial Assembly of El Oued visits the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar Today, October 19, 2022, the Education, Training, Higher Education and Vocational Training Committee of the People's Provincial Assembly of El Oued visited the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar as part of the study of the university's situation 2022|2023. The committee is chaired by its president, Mr. Reda Mokadem, and the vice president of the People's Provincial Assembly, Mr. Fares Belbasi. The committee members were received by the university director, Professor Omar Farhati, accompanied by his deputies for development, foresight and pedagogy, as well as the university's secretary general, the sub-director of activities, and the director of university services. During the field visit, the university director gave a presentation on this year's projects and the status of new equipment and laboratories in the faculties. He praised…