Showing 345-348 of 892 results

The University of the Valley hosts the third attendance meeting of the Algerian-Tunisian border universities

December 12, 2023

جامعة الوادي تحتضن اللقاء الحضوري الثالث للجامعات الحدودية الجزائرية التونسية انطلق اليوم 11 ديسمبر 2023 بجامعة الشهيد حمه لخضر اللقاء الحضوري الثالث للجامعات الحدودية الجزائرية التونسية والتي يحتضن أشغاله على مدى يومين منتجع الغزال الذهبي. وقد أشرف على هذا اللقاء العلمي الذي يجري في إطار الاتفاقية المشتركة 5+5 السيد والي ولاية الوادي بمعية رئيس المجلس الشعبي الولائي والسلطات المحلية والأمنية وحضور مدراء الجامعات الحدودية الجزائرية منسق الجامعات الجزائرية البروفيسور عمر فرحاتي (مدير جامعة الوادي) ومدراء جامعات تبسة وسوق أهراس وعنابة والطارف ورؤساء الجامعات التونسية وهم منسق الجامعات التونسية البروفيسور كمال عبد الرحيم (رئيس جامعة قابس) ورؤساء جامعات قفصة وجندوبة والقيروان …

Signing ceremony of a framework agreement for cooperation between the University of Continuing Education and the University of El Oued

December 11, 2023

Signing ceremony of a framework agreement for cooperation between the University of Continuing Education and the University of El Oued Today, Sunday, December 10, 2023, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, signed a framework agreement between the University of El Oued and the University of Continuing Education, represented by its Director, Professor Yahya Jaafari, and on his behalf, the Director of the El Oued Center, Dr. Ammar Mostafawi, attended. This agreement comes within the framework of embodying the strategy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, which aims to accompany students to implement micro-entrepreneurial projects and start-ups, within the framework of developing entrepreneurship, while emphasizing the common desire to facilitate cooperation in the fields of education, training, research, development and innovation. Photo album of the event…

A training course on “Python Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Cybersecurity” at the University of the Valley

December 11, 2023

A training course on “Programming in the Python language, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity” at the University of the Valley. Today, December 10, 2023, the Artificial Intelligence House of the Martyr Hama Lakhdar University witnessed the launch of the training course on “Programming in the Python language, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity.” In the presence of the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, the Director of University Services, Mr. Jamal Quraisha, the Vice Rector in charge of Scientific Research, Professor Boubacar Mansour, and the Dean of the Faculty of Exact Sciences, Professor Abdel Wahab Mansour. In his speech, the Rector of the University, Professor Abdelkader Laouid, thanked the Director of the House of Artificial Intelligence for his efforts and positive interaction with these distinguished trainings, pointing out to the House of Artificial Intelligence that it is a real addition to the university and the directions of the Minister of Higher Education...