The Engineer Club and the Technological Creativity Club display more than 50 innovative models in scientific demonstrations at the University of the Valley

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The Engineer Club and the Technological Creativity Club display more than 50 innovative models in scientific demonstrations at the University of the Valley

Today, Thursday, June 8, at 9:00 am at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar - El Oued - and under the supervision of the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, the activities of the first scientific demonstration, Future Makers, were launched at the Faculty of Technology for the Engineer’s Club, in partnership with the Technological Creativity Club, with a display of more than 50 innovative models in various agricultural applications. And the industrial, applications of artificial intelligence, energy security and food security. The demonstration was opened by the Rector of the University, accompanied by his deputy in charge of external relations, Professor Qaddah Al-Habib, and the Director of the Business Incubator, Dr. Farhat Muhammad Fouad, representing the Dean of the College of Technology, the Director of Cultural Activities, Bashir Zidan, and the economic partners, represented by the companies of the Jari Electricity Works Group. ,
In his speech to open the scientific demonstration, the University President praised the projects, the continuous efforts, and the important achievements of our students, and called on them to move forward to complete the journey of the university business incubator, which has achieved more than 130 patents, and to achieve greater achievements and more giving.
The Engineer Club Supervisor, Dr. Al-Abyad Shuaib, gave a welcoming speech to the attendees, thanking the University President for his constant support for the students and standing with them to achieve their scientific and research ambitions, to present the club’s most important achievements throughout this season. The Creativity Club Supervisor, Engineer Khaled Balila Al-Technology, gave his welcoming speech to the attendees, thanking all the support and accompaniment. To our students to present the club’s most important achievements this season
The Director of the Business Incubator, as a representative of the Dean of the College of Technology, delivered a speech in which he welcomed the Director and his accompanying delegation and called on the students for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. The incubator puts all its capabilities at the disposal of our research and scientific students, and these are the directives of the University President, to introduce the Vice President of the University in charge of external relations. Professor Qidda Al-Habib, a word of thanks to all those in charge of this scientific demonstration, which opens the way for the student to be an entrepreneur through his external environment and his economic and fruitful interaction. The attendees were also briefed on the most important achievements in the exhibition held at the scientific demonstration.





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