Al Wadi University participates in the celebration of the anniversary of the restoration of sovereignty over the Radio and Television Building 

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Al Wadi University participates in the celebration of the anniversary of the restoration of sovereignty over the Radio and Television Building 
Today, the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar El Oued participated in a media symposium organized at the headquarters of Radio Algeria from El Oued and El Meghair, in the presence of local authorities, headed by the governor of the state and the president of the state people's council, on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the recovery of sovereignty over Algerian radio and television, coinciding with October 28 of each year, under the slogan: The role of local radio stations in development.
The symposium was opened with clear verses from the Holy Quran, followed by listening to the national anthem. Then, Ms. Fawzia Ben Cherouda, the director of the radio, gave a speech in which she welcomed the attendees, recalling the role of the radio in the struggle against the brutal colonizer, emphasizing the effective role assigned to local radio stations in the new Algeria. Then, the floor was given to the governor of the state, who reviewed the historical events for regaining sovereignty over radio and television as two symbols of national sovereignty, announcing the official opening of the media symposium. Then, the attendees listened to an audio recording that was previously made with the late Mujahid Abdel Aziz Chekiri before his death in 2015, in which he spoke about the circumstances of regaining the radio and television building by force, and his personal removal of the flag of the French colonizer from the radio and television building. Then, the governor honored the family of the late Abdel Aziz Chekiri, who had attended the symposium from the beginning.
The University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar participated with its professors specialized in media, communication, sociology and economic sciences. Dr. Hamza Qaddah, Head of the Department of Media and Communication, opened the scientific session after welcoming the attendees, giving the floor to Professor Dr. Rachid Khadir, who spoke about the historical circumstances of the work of the secret radio during the liberation revolution, appreciating the living testimony of the late Abdel Aziz Chekiri, which he considered an important part of writing the history of Algeria. Then the floor was given to Dr. Abdullah Raqiq, Head of the Media Cell at the University, who spoke about the role of radio in development in light of the social context, emphasizing the role of radio in social upbringing, supporting the stability of Algerian state institutions and conveying citizens’ concerns to local authorities. The scientific session concluded with an intervention by Professor Dr. Mufid Abdel Laoui, Head of the Entrepreneurship House at the University, who spoke about the role of radio in economic development, recommending media coverage of all economic activities in the state of El Oued, and accompanying local economic development projects.
The symposium concluded with honors for the attending professors, presented by the governor of the state, the president of the People's Council, and the director of the radio. Finally, a group commemorative photo was taken in front of the Radio Algiers building from El Oued and El Meghair.

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