Wadi University opens job search club and organizes information days on TRE techniques

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Wadi University opens job search club and organizes information days on TRE techniques

Under the supervision of the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, today, November 12, 2024, the University of El Oued and the National Employment Agency organized information days on job search techniques (TRE) in the Mediatheque Hall. The activities were inaugurated by the Vice-Rector of the University for External Relations, Mohamed Fouad Farhat, accompanied by the Head of the Entrepreneurship Development Center, Dr. Mohamed Youssef Amamra, and the executives and advisors of the National Employment Agency, Professors Misbah Ghazal and Baha Azouz, in the presence of the deans of the faculties, professors and students.

 In his speech, the Vice President of the University welcomed the attendees, explaining the objectives of the Career Search Club (CRE) and these media days on TRE technologies.

The training workshops are subject to a planned training program for our students on job search mechanisms and job offers for all faculties. They will be held every Tuesday until December 3, 2024, where more than 80 students from the faculties of technology and exact sciences benefited today. Learn about the training program that lasts for 15 days in each session, in which the trainee graduates with a certificate and high qualification in how to search and succeed in obtaining a job.

The media days on TRE technologies, as mentioned by Dr. Mohamed Fouad Farhat, also aim to provide students and job seekers with the necessary skills to adapt to the current job market.

The activities include several training workshops on the following topics:

* Preparing a CV

* Writing a motivational letter

* How to conduct a professional interview.

1. Self-knowledge: by understanding one’s abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

2. Exploring the labor market: enabling participants to understand the requirements and needs of the labor market.

3. Knowing their social environment in the areas of their job search

 Learn about the professional environment and opportunities available in various sectors

Registration for the training days is via the following link:


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