The Director of Al Wadi University meets with members of the “Basmat Amal” Club for people with high aspirations

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The Director of Al Wadi University meets with members of the “Basmat Amal” Club for people with high aspirations

 Today, November 25, 2024, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, met with the members of the “Basmat Amal” Club for people with high aspirations, in a step aimed at enhancing support and assistance for this distinguished group. During the meeting, the University Director listened to their concerns and the program of the members of the Basmat Amal Club by preparing study days, equipping the library with special means, and supporting the colleges for various programs. In his speech, the University Director thanked the club members and all people with high aspirations for their effectiveness and challenges for the sake of science and knowledge, and that all the concerns raised will be taken care of, and that a meeting will be held that brings together all people with high aspirations with the entire administrative team and deans of colleges in order to accompany them and facilitate their activities. The Director also confirmed the University’s continuous support for people with high aspirations in order to provide a comprehensive educational environment that gives them the opportunity to achieve their ambitions. Some future projects were also reviewed that aim to enhance their research and scientific effectiveness in various activities. The members of the Basmat Amal Club for People with Disabilities extended special thanks to the Director for his cooperation, continuous support and continuous presence in all their activities, which enabled the Basmat Amal Club for People with High Disabilities to provide psychological and social support and improve their quality of life.


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