The TISC network ranks the University of the Valley first nationally in patents

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The TISC network ranks the University of the Valley first nationally in patents

The Technology and Innovation Support Centers Network (TISC) confirmed in its latest publication for the first quarter (January-February-March 2023) that the University of El Oued ranked first in patents during the aforementioned quarter.
The magazine stated that the first quarter of 2023 witnessed the establishment of 10 technology and innovation support centers, especially with various sectors of higher education and scientific research, in order to support innovation and consolidate the culture of industrial property, especially those registered under Ministerial Resolution 1275 “Startup Patent Graduation Certificate” bringing the total number of centers to 118. With this number, Algeria ranks first in the Arab world and Africa in terms of technology and innovation support centers.
According to the magazine, the University of El Oued ranked first, followed by the University of Biskra in second place and the University of Mostaganem in third place. The Technological Support and Innovation Center (TISC) confirmed regarding the University of El Oued that achieving this result confirms the good strategy followed by the Director of the University of El Oued in establishing a culture of protecting students’ ideas through patents through the Technological Support and Innovation Center.




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