University of the Valley and the Directorate of Tourism and Traditional Industry in a meeting on enriching tourism routes

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University of the Valley and the Directorate of Tourism and Traditional Industry in a meeting on enriching tourism routes

Within the framework of the university’s openness to its economic and social surroundings, a number of professors from the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar met with the Director of Tourism and Traditional Industry for the Wilaya of El Oued, Shabani Jilani, who supervised a technical meeting at the directorate’s headquarters on the development of tourist routes in the Wilaya.
The meeting was attended by the executives of the Directorate of Tourism and Traditional Industry, Dr. Ben Bardi Hanan and Dr. Darbal Samia, both from the Faculty of Economics, Professor Dr. Ali Ghnabzia from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, and Dr. Khalifa Qaid from the Faculty of Arts and Languages.
The meeting discussed enriching a number of points included in the agenda and within the framework of enriching the electronic portal for tourist routes; namely: studying the possibility of adding tourist sites and landmarks, updating information related to tourist routes and sites, grammatical and linguistic review of the introductory texts for tourist sites, giving an exciting and marketing character to the introductory texts, and translating tourist texts into English and French.
The university professors enriched the listed points and suggested a number of new sites and landmarks and gave their visions on how to improve the website and enrich the paths of landmarks and tourist sites culturally, historically, economically and communically. The Director of Tourism and Traditional Industry welcomed the university professors as specialists in the field, and expressed his sector’s readiness to cooperate with the university sector in the aspects of training, accompaniment and mutual benefit. 

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