The Director of Al Wadi University honors distinguished professors and doctoral students for publishing in international journals

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The Director of Al Wadi University honors distinguished professors and doctoral students for publishing in international journals        

This morning, March 15, 2023, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar supervised a celebration held in honor of distinguished professors and doctoral students who have published in high-level international academic journals.
The celebration was held in the Grand Lecture Hall of Dr. Abu Al-Qasim Saad Allah, in the presence of the Vice-Presidents of the University, the Secretary-General of the University, the Deans of the Faculties, the Chairman of the University Services Committee, the Director of the Intensive Language Center, the Director of the Incubator, the Chairman of the Five Stars Committee, the Director of Entrepreneurship, the Official of Academic Publications, as well as professors and doctoral students.
The University President welcomed the attendees, expressing his happiness with this honoring ceremony. He praised the efforts of the contributing professors and doctoral students who deserve all appreciation and attention in order to develop the university in the field of scientific and academic research.
For his part, the Vice-Rector in charge of External Relations welcomed the attendees, thanking the professors and students who contributed to improving the university’s visibility and progress in the ranking. He also gave an overview of the reasons for the honor, which is based on the level of the famous database Scopus, the professors who were promoted to the rank of Professor of Higher Education and scientific publications, and a special honor for doctoral students who contributed to high-level publications. He also indicated on this occasion that a grant for an internship abroad will be given to every student or professor from the three technical colleges who publish an article in an A+ publication. As for the other colleges, their professors and students benefit from the same grants when their articles are published in A-class publications.
The celebration also witnessed the presentation of a special tribute with valuable gifts by the Chairman of the University Services Committee, Dr. Hema Abdelkader, to the top three most productive in international publishing, namely Professor Ben Houwa Boubaker, Professor Attia Mohamed El Hadi, and Professor Ben Atous El Jilani. Professor Darwish Samir was also honored for his promotion to the rank of Professor of Higher Education and a special tribute as the most prolific professor in terms of his articles in publications at the national level in his specialty, biology.
26 professors qualified to the rank of professor of higher education were also honored, as were 10 doctoral students who contributed articles to high-level international publications, in addition to honoring the top ten research professors at the level of the famous database Scopus, as follows:
1- Professor Ben Houha Boubaker, Faculty of Technology (80)A, i.e. more than 80 articles in A-class publications.
2- Professor Attia Muhammad Al-Hadi, Faculty of Exact Sciences A+(15), A (45), B(10)
3- Professor Ben Atous Al-Jilani, College of Technology (+50)A (05), B.
4- Professor Rahal Ashour, Faculty of Exact Sciences, a group of publications.
5- Professor Raghwa Abdullah, College of Technology A (03), B (02).
6- Professor Laouini Salah El-Din, College of Technology (55)A (50), B.
7- Professor Daw Jamal, Faculty of Exact Sciences, a group of publications.
8- Professor Zalouma Al-Eid, College of Technology (21)A (17), B.
9- Professor Hema Abdel Qader, Faculty of Technology A (08), B (12).
10- Professor Al-Aanz Al-Tihami, Faculty of Exact Sciences, A+ (3), A (08), B (05).
11- Professor Al-Aswad Zahra, College of Social and Human Sciences (1) A (1), B
The celebration concluded with a speech by the University President, in which he congratulated the distinguished professors and students, thanking them on behalf of the university family for their scientific efforts and valuable research that contributed to raising the university’s scientific level on the national and international levels.

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