Director of Al Wadi University inaugurates a training course in the Progress System

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Director of Al Wadi University inaugurates a training course in the Progress System

Today, November 11, 2024, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, opened a training course on how to use the Progress program, accompanied by the Secretary General of the University, the Sub-Director of Users, and the Head of the Training Service, for the benefit of employees and heads of education services in the colleges.

In his speech, the University President addressed the importance of digitization, developing employee competencies, improving administrative performance, and the importance of learning about the “Progras” program, the information system for managing Algerian universities.

The course, which was held in the university’s High Performance Computing Hall, witnessed a remarkable turnout from employees who use the “Prograss” program in their work and benefit from it for major goals, which are:

 * Deepening employees’ understanding of the “Progras” program: its various functions and features.

 * Developing practical skills: in the field of using the program to manage human resources and administrative affairs.

 * Improving work performance: by applying the latest technologies and administrative systems.

 * Keeping up with developments in the “Progras” program: and learning about the latest updates and additions.

 * Enhancing integration with national university management systems: and sharing experiences and knowledge between different universities.

 * Addressing problems faced by employees in using the program and providing solutions and necessary technical support.

This course was supervised by experts from the Sub-Directorate of Users and Training at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, who provided comprehensive explanations and practical training to the participants.

The employees also expressed their great benefit from this course, and stressed its importance in developing their skills and improving their performance at work.

The Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar stressed the importance of organizing such training courses to enhance the skills of its employees and keep pace with the latest developments in the field of technology and human resources management.

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