El Oued University organizes a training day on entrepreneurship

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El Oued University organizes a training day on entrepreneurship

Today, Saturday, November 19, 2022, the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar in El Oued organized a training day on entrepreneurship, as part of the celebration of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, which Algeria is celebrating this year under the slogan “Let’s build together a strong entrepreneurship ecosystem.”
The activity was opened on behalf of the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, by his Vice President for Scientific Research, Professor Dr. Boubaker Mansour, who welcomed the attendees and stressed the importance of these training meetings, which will produce a pioneering student who is active in his environment.
During this event, Professor Hamza Al-Wathiq Billah Boujelkha, Ambassador of Algeria Venture, addressed in his training lecture the importance of start-ups at this particular time and explained how to obtain the label of a start-up and an innovative project. He also addressed the advantages and characteristics of start-ups and the most important differences between them and micro-enterprises.
Professor Dr. Mufid Abdel-Lawi, Director of the Entrepreneurship House, also gave a lecture, where he focused on the necessity of benefiting from meetings with specialists, and also the necessity of attending the training courses offered by the Entrepreneurship House during this week and throughout the entire academic year, and engaging in the awareness-raising effort to spread the entrepreneurial mindset in the university environment.
Dr. Farhat Mohamed Fouad, Director of the University Business Incubator, stressed the major role played by the incubator in adopting entrepreneurial projects for students, and provided large spaces for this purpose. He highlighted the most prominent incubated projects and the number of patents obtained, which made it occupy pioneering positions at the national level.
Because the student is directly concerned with this awareness-raising process, the student Abdel Rahman Boubaker presented a realistic model and presented his experience as a start-up institution that started from an idea in the undergraduate stage to transform into a graduation thesis in the master’s degree to an institution that provides an addition to its environment. He presented a presentation on the missions of the institution and its partners, especially the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar in El Oued.
At the end of the training day, Professor Dr. Boubaker Mansour stressed that the university will remain an incubator for creativity and innovation by helping and accompanying students to establish their own projects. He thanked the honorable attendees from all university and college cadres, especially the distinguished students who filled the large lecture hall, in addition to the economic and social partners and media personnel.
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