Al Wadi University organizes the first training forum on the dangers of drugs and addiction in light of psychological treatment methods

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Al Wadi University organizes the first training forum on the dangers of drugs and addiction in light of psychological treatment methods

Today, June 7, 2023, the “First Training Forum on the Dangers of Drugs and Addiction in Light of Psychological Treatment Methods” was launched at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, the University Psychological Assistance Center, in coordination with the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, the Social Development and Community Service Laboratory, and the Community Service Team in the field of caring for vulnerable groups in Algerian society, in the Grand Lecture Hall, Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah, under the supervision of the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, and in the presence of the Vice-Director of the University for Pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai, the Vice-Director of the University in charge of Scientific Research, Professor Boubaker Mansour, the Vice-Director of the University for External Relations, Professor Qada Al-Habib, members of the elected councils, the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Dr. Amar Ghraissa, and his deputies for studies and scientific research, the Director of the Social Development and Community Service Laboratory, Professor Lazhar Daif, the Secretary-General of the Faculty, the Social and Human Sciences family, including department heads, professors and students, the Sub-Director of Activities, members of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the Forum, and the media family.
The Vice President for Pedagogy opened the forum on behalf of the University President with a speech in which he welcomed the attendees and thanked all contributors to this important forum, pointing out the phenomenon and how to address it using scientific and research methods and joint community cooperation through awareness campaigns that contribute to reducing this phenomenon that threatens the safety of the individual and society, wishing success for this important scientific event. The Dean of the College then offered his special welcome from specialists, experts, professors and students. He also praised the efforts of the Head of the Psychological Assistance Center, Dr. Rahma Ghorab, in holding this forum, pointing out the importance of the university’s contribution to addressing these dangers that threaten society. He also hoped that the forum would come out with recommendations that embody the forum’s goals.
On behalf of the Director of the Social Development Laboratory, Dr. Hind Ghadayfi presented a summary of the role of the laboratory and the community service team in contributing to addressing the phenomenon of addiction and drug abuse, which has become a threat to the very existence of social ties and community existence.
The head of the University Psychological Assistance Center welcomed everyone, explaining the objectives of the important scientific training forum that sheds light on the phenomenon of drug and addiction risks and methods of psychological treatments, and the endeavor to develop a plan and strategy for effective programs to combat drugs and addiction at the Psychological Assistance Center at Al Wadi University.
The first training forum on the dangers of drugs and addiction in light of psychological treatment methods, which will last for two days, will discuss several topics:
First: How to build a treatment protocol for cases of addiction and drug abuse.
Second: The effectiveness of cognitive and behavioral therapies in improving drug addiction cases.
Third: Acceptance and commitment therapy techniques for abstaining from drug use.
Fourth: Group therapy to reduce the symptoms of drug abuse and addiction.
The event also included a play presented by our high-spirited students, aiming to reveal the dangers of addiction and drug abuse.
The forum will begin its scientific sessions with interventions by professors Youssef Adwan, Borsa Omar, Suleiman Jarallah, Saleh Yamina and Imran Lakhdar.
The forum also witnessed the honoring of several figures, contributors and participants.




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