The Secretary General of the University of the Valley supervises the process of handing over the courses for the right to transfer housing rent to professors and permanent employees

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The Secretary-General of Al Wadi University supervises the process of delivering the decisions on the right to transfer the rent of housing to professors and permanent employees
Under the direction of Mr. Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, today, October 2, 2023, Mr. Secretary-General of the University, Dr. Shawqi Madallal, supervised the process of delivering decisions to transfer the rent of social rental housing to professors and employees, in the presence of the Vice-President of the University, professors and employees concerned with benefiting from these decisions.
It concerns the distribution of a share of 80 three-room social rental housing units for permanent teachers, and another share of 20 similar housing units for teachers for employees.
During the meeting, the Secretary-General of the University provided comprehensive explanations on how to transfer the housing file, starting with the decision to initially benefit, through the decision to hand over the transfer of the rent, and ending with the decision to waive and own after fulfilling the legal conditions with the Office of Promotion and Real Estate Management, which is responsible for settling the housing file for professors and employees in coordination with the university administration.
 The process of handing over the lease transfer decisions was well received by those concerned, who raised several questions and inquiries that were answered and clarified by the Secretary-General. At the end of the meeting, the beneficiaries signed the handover decisions, each one separately.



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