Very important regarding transfer confirmation for new students

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Very important regarding transfer confirmation for new students


The Vice-Rectorate of the University for Higher Education in the First and Second Levels, Continuing Education and Certificates, as well as Higher Education in Progression, informs all new students whose transfer requests have been accepted that they must carry out the following procedures as soon as possible to confirm the transfer:

  1. Access the Progress digital platform to confirm the transfer and withdraw the transfer acceptance confirmation certificate
  2. Go to the central education, training and evaluation service (enrollment) at the university’s directorate for higher education in the first and second levels, continuing education and certificates, as well as higher education in progression, attaching a certificate confirming acceptance of the orientation.
  3. The student is given a certificate confirming acceptance of the guidance, in order to receive the smart student card and registration certificate, and to have his fingerprints taken.



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