Electing Professor Mekki Draghi to the office of the Algerian Network for Transparency “We See You”

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Electing Professor Mekki Draghi to the office of the Algerian Network for Transparency “We See You”
The head of the Supreme Authority for Transparency, Prevention and Combating of Corruption, Dr. Salima Messrati, on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at the Higher Institute of Management and Planning, and in the presence of members of the Supreme Authority Council and its executives, supervised the installation of the members of the Algerian Network for Transparency “We See You” Committee and its office.
The University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar - El Oued - was represented in the category of research institutions by Professor Mekki Daraji, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, for the laboratory of public policies and improving public service in Algeria, and Dr. Harrach Ahlam, for the laboratory of international legal transformations and their repercussions on Algerian legislation.
In addition to the inauguration process, the members of the Bureau of the Algerian Transparency Network Committee “We See You” were elected.
The members of the office were elected based on the charter of engagement that was approved during the special national forum. The results resulted in the representation of Professor Al-Makki Darraji among the category of researchers in the network’s office, which includes 24 members.
It should be noted that the mission of the network is mainly to follow up on the implementation of the national strategy for transparency, prevention and combating corruption, especially its second goal, which is related to encouraging the participation of civil society and the media in preventing and combating corruption, organizing awareness-raising and information courses for various sectors of civil society, encouraging training and raising the capabilities of its members and conducting Surveys on perceptions of corruption.










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