Valley University ranks first nationally with 100 patents

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Valley University ranks first nationally with 100 patents
The number of patents registered at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar reached 100 patents, including 20 patents registered during the months of January and February 2023, making the University of El Oued the first nationally. 
This is what was announced today, February 6, 2023, by the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar in El Oued, Professor Omar Farhati, when he opened the study day on “Mechanism of a Graduation Thesis to Obtain a University Degree - Start-up and Patent” in accordance with Ministerial Resolution 1275, in the presence of the Director General of the National Institute of Industrial Property, Abdelhafidh Belmahdi, and the Head of the Patent Promotion Department at the Institute, Youssef Ziane, and a large crowd of student inventors, research professors, and university students.
The University President considered that this important scientific achievement that the University has reached is the result of the great efforts made by the University in the field of supervision, care and support for the technology center and business incubator managed by Dr. Farhat Mohamed Fouad, who has done a great job in enabling the student inventors to achieve their goals in scientific research. He called on the student researchers to exert more effort and giving to achieve more successes and inventions.
According to the statement of the Director of the Business Incubator, Dr. Farhat Muhammad, the registered patents included the scientific fields outlined by the state, namely food security, health security, and energy security. 
The Director General of the National Institute of Industrial Property praised the efforts made by the University of El Oued, which achieved the first national rank in patents. He and Mr. Youssef Ziane, Head of the Patent Promotion Department at the same institute, also gave two interventions before the audience on the legal aspects and conditions necessary to obtain a patent. This was followed by discussions and answers from these two officials to the students’ questions.
The Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar and the Director of the National Institute of Industrial Property signed a partnership and cooperation agreement between the two institutions in support of scientific research and the encouragement of patents and industrial property.
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