Valley University.. is the first nationally in granting its students the “Five-Star Student” certificate.

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Valley University.. is the first nationally in granting its students the “Five-Star Student” certificate.  

Today, January 23, 2023, the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar achieved a new success in its golden record in addition to its previous successes.
 This well-deserved success is represented by its granting of the “5-Star Student” certificate to seven of its students, Al-Nujaba, making it the first university at the national level to achieve this distinguished precedence.
The coronation ceremony and the distribution of the 5-star student certificate to the seven students was supervised by Mr. Bouchaar Marzouk Fahim, Deputy of the Regional University Committee for the East in Constantine, accompanied by the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, in the presence of the deputy directors, deans of colleges, and a group of university administrators, professors, and students, in a celebration hosted by the Grand Lecture Hall, Abu Al-Qasim Saad. God. 
The 5-star student certificate is considered one of the new pedagogical processes initiated by the Ministry, and the University of the Valley was quick to engage early in this endeavor, as this distinguished certificate was established in accordance with Resolution No. 1410 dated 9/22/2022. Since the establishment of the local committee for the five-star student certificate by Resolution No. 19/ 2022 Under the chairmanship of Dr. Faraj Abdel Hamid, and the membership of a group of professors and some representatives of public institutions associated with the university, within the framework of its openness to the economic and social environment, a major awareness-raising process was programmed at the university level in its eight colleges to educate students about the importance of this certificate and its evaluation criteria. These standards include achieving the required level of success in five areas of the student’s university life: These are the proficiency of the academic level, scientific skills, openness to the external economic and social environment, participation in various activities, and solidarity activity. 
According to the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, the process of 5-star student certification falls within the new directions of the Ministry and keeps pace with the great movement initiated by His Excellency the Minister of Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Kamal Badari, through the major workshops that the Ministry is working on, pointing to this coronation for seven students out of a total of 88 students. Candidates whose number of stars varied without reaching 5 stars, which is the required average, places the University of the Valley among the leading universities nationally, explaining that this certificate would enable its holder to benefit from scholarships to study and train outside the country.
For his part, Chairman of the Five-Star Student Committee, Dr. Faraj Abdel Hamid, confirmed that the process had been preceded by holding preparatory meetings to adjust the organizational and administrative procedures for receiving student files and mechanisms for processing them, as the process of receiving files began starting from the date of the committee’s inauguration and the opening of its own floor in accordance with the digitization methodology adopted by the Ministry. . He added that the committee received, in the first stage, 88 files of students nominated for a five-star student certificate, so the committee met again to process those files in accordance with the approved standards, where 7 students from different colleges were awarded a five-star student certificate, while the ratings of the rest of the students ranged from one star to four stars. Depending on the availability of the conditions required for each star.
Names of students who obtained a 5-star student certificate:
1- Muhajir Saif Al-Din, Faculty of Exact Sciences
2- Khashkhosh Osama, Faculty of Exact Sciences
3- Tlili Muhammad Jamal, College of Technology
4- Murad Ghazlan, Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences
5- Youssef Qanoua, College of Technology
6- Adam Bahri, College of Technology
7- Khamisi Ashab, Faculty of Law and Political Science
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