Al Wadi University participates in judging the “Little Preacher” competition for Al Wadi Radio

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Al Wadi University participates in judging the “Little Preacher” competition for Al Wadi Radio  

Within the framework of the openness of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar - El Oued - to its social, educational, media and cultural environment and within the framework of the joint cooperation agreement between the university and Radio El Oued, the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar participated on December 13, 2022 in the judging of the “Little Orator” public speaking and communication skills competition, represented by Dr. Khalifa Qaid as Chairman of the Jury and the two members, Professor Nasser Arwa, representing the Education Sector, and the media activist Zuhair Abdel Jawad, representing Radio El Oued. The competition, supervised by the Education Sector, was also attended by the district inspector, Professor Ben Omar Al-Jilali, as well as Said Hariz, Director of the Boubaker Hariz Elementary School.
 This competition is held under the auspices of the Supreme Council for the Arabic Language, where primary school students from 14 administrative educational districts of the states of El Oued and El Meghair apply for the competition, at a rate of 5 students from each district per week. Today, the first competition for District No. 2 took place. 
The criteria agreed upon by the members of the jury and the distinguished media director of the radio, Fawzia Bin Sharuda, to evaluate the recitation process that takes place before the committee and directly in the studio were as follows: 
Eloquence and correctness of language/ vocal rhythm/ body language/ external appearance/ rhetorical structure/ respect for time/ spontaneity/ citations/ preparation/
The announcement of the conclusion of the competition is expected on April 16, on the occasion of the anniversary of Science Day, in the presence of the President of the Supreme Council for the Arabic Language, Dr. Saleh Belaid, whose organization sponsors the “Little Preacher” competition.
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