Al Wadi University organizes a scientific symposium on orthophonic and educational approaches for cochlear implant patients

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Al Wadi University organizes a scientific symposium on orthophonic and educational approaches for cochlear implant patients 
In the context of celebrating the World Cochlear Implant Day, which falls on February 25, Dr. Ammar Ghraissa, Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, supervised today the opening of the scientific symposium on orthophonic and educational approaches for cochlear implant patients.
With the participation of the Amal Association for the Hearing Impaired and Cochlear Implants in El Oued, the Head of the Department of Psychology and Education, Professor Jaloul Ahmed, the Head of the Amal Association, Professor Krouch Abdel Nasser, the Head of the Symposium, Dr. Al-Bashir Jari, the specialist physician Mansouri Mohamed Al-Taher, Dr. Bizat Al-Omariya from the University of Algiers 2, Dr. Tariq Salihi from the University of Ouargla, the Head of the Sada Al-Amal Association for Cochlear Implants in Ghardaia, Professor Makali Abdel Salam, a member of the Amal Association in El Oued, and a group of professors Gharbi Abdel Nasser, Jalab Mohamed Al-Saleh, and Saleh Khashkhush, the Director of the Psychological Assistance Center, Professor Ghrab Rahma, Professor Qaddour Abdel Salam, and a number of students.
The Dean of the College opened his speech by welcoming and thanking all attendees, and praised the department's activity, thanking all contributors to this symposium from associations and professors inside and outside the state, with the aim of providing assistance to the hearing impaired, and the ability to achieve integration for this group. The Dean pointed out the endeavor and diligence to make the specialty of orthophony one of our specializations in the future. For his part, the President of the Amal Association in El Oued presented the concept, origins and objectives of the association, and pointed out several points, the most important of which is preparing training courses for specialists, orthophonists, psychologists and teachers of children with hearing disabilities and training their guardians. Many interventions were presented by professors, to open the way for scientific interventions and discussions, as students interacted with the symposium with a number of relevant questions.
The seminar aims to raise awareness of the importance of caring for children with cochlear implants and to train students of the Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences to follow up on children with cochlear implants and understand ways to adapt their schooling.
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