The second group of Valley University professors begins training in the English language at Regents University in England

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The second group of Valley University professors begins training in the English language at Regents University in England
The second group of professors from the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar began training in the English language at Regents University in London, England, as previously scheduled. The group consists of professors: Zaabi Amar, Houba Abdelkader, and Dr. Gary Bashir.
Training classes start on Monday, October 16, 2023, and will last for two full weeks.
Participants receive intensive qualitative training in the English language, as the programme includes lessons in English grammar, English conversation, developing correct English writing skills, and other targeted skills.
It is worth noting that the participating delegation was received by those responsible for the training session, and they were introduced to the program and digital pedagogical platforms, registered on the university’s portal, and given electronic cards that allow them to access the university and its various spaces. Then, the professors toured the university and learned about its various departments, structures, specializations, and administration. They also visited the library and toured its various wings.
In general, participants will receive specialized training that is expected to result in raising the level of English language teachers, in accordance with the directives and objectives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in this regard.
The training course is still ongoing, waiting to enhance such courses in the future for better training in the English language.











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