A meeting to prepare the twinning agreement between the University of the Valley and the University of Sirte in Libya

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A meeting to prepare the twinning agreement between the University of the Valley and the University of Sirte in Libya

Today, December 13, 2023, the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, held a preparatory meeting with an official delegation to conclude a twinning agreement with the Libyan University of Sirte, represented in the meeting by the Vice President of the University of Sirte, Professor Al-Tayeb Muhammad Al-Qabi, accompanied by Professor Salah Jabara, Head of the Social Responsibility Center at the same university.
The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the National Committee for Follow-up of Twinning Agreements, Professor Qaddah Al-Habib, the Director of Evaluation and Analysis at the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technology, Professor Khatima Ait Oudi, the Sub-Director at the General Directorate of Research, Development and Technology, Professor Loucif Sayyad Mohamed, the Vice-Rectors of the University for Pedagogy and Scientific Research, the Deans of the Faculties of Exact Sciences, Social and Human Sciences, Arts and Languages, the Secretary-General of the University, and the Head of the Department of History.
 The University President gave an introductory presentation on the various university structures, scientific specializations, and achievements made by the University, such as patents, start-ups, scientific publishing, and the University’s visibility. Professor Qaddah Al-Habib, Director of the Higher School of Desert Agriculture, gave a video presentation on the University from its inception to the present day, and its relations with the external social and economic environment.
While delivering his speech, the Vice-Chancellor of Sirte University expressed his happiness with the kind initiative and warm reception, thanking the University Director for his cooperation and response in order to establish scientific and research relations between the two universities, and their complete readiness for Sirte University to cooperate with Al Wadi University, whose distinguished scientific activity in training, specializations, laboratories and innovation he admired.
Mr. Wasif Sayyad Mohammed, the Sub-Director of the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technology, also expressed the progress of the University of El Oued and his admiration for it.
It is worth noting that this meeting was organized on the sidelines of the International Doctoral Forum on the Artificial Intelligence Revolution and the in-person meeting of Algerian-Tunisian border universities, which were organized by the University of El Oued on December 11-13, and were distinguished by the participation of Algerian-Tunisian border universities and, for the first time, the remarkable participation of the Libyan University of Sirte.






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