Speech by the University Director, Professor Dr. Omar Farhati

Our university has witnessed a qualitative leap and remarkable development in various pedagogical and structural fields. The number of students increased this year to about 29 thousand students after this number was about 15 thousand students in the year 2015, and the number of students after graduation reached more than 1,000 students, and it was only about 30 students in the year 2015.

In order to keep pace with this qualitative development, our university has made a great effort by providing structures, training, and pedagogical supervision, as we have made available to students and research professors 24 research laboratories and qualitative pedagogical training, the supervision coverage rate of which reached 50 percent of those with the highest ranks with the rank of professor of higher education and lecturer “A.”

At the level of external relations, our university has concluded many partnership agreements with stakeholders in the field of implementing joint programs, whether at the local, national or international levels, including the European Union, which allowed the university to be open to its economic, social and international environment. In the field of development and foresight, our university has achieved many projects and achievements in the field of structures, laboratories, support for LMD, and other structural, pedagogical and research achievements, which enabled our university to rank second nationally in the number of patents by registering 25 patents, and we also ranked first. In the number of classified scientific journals, which reached 26 scientific journals of category “C”, we are striving to upgrade them to higher categories.

In addition, we worked on digitizing the university in all areas, including the digital identity of the professor and doctoral student, where the percentage reached 98 percent.

University Director

Professor Dr. Omar Farhati  

We also do not forget that our university received, in one year and within several months, two important visits from the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Abdel Baqi Bin Zayan. The last visit was on March 31, 2022 on the occasion of his supervision of the National Symposium of Universities, and a visit before that, an inspectional and practical visit, on January 10 and 11 of the same year, which had direct results in our university benefiting from several new projects and structures and contributed to overcoming some obstacles as well as raising the reputation of our university. To supervisor level.


All this progress that our university has experienced made the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research choose our university along with five other universities at the national level to prepare a budget with goals. Which is considered one of the government's new directions for this year. Our university is still working to achieve many ambitious projects according to a clear strategy with short, medium and long terms to serve the Algerian university’s students, professors and scientific research, and so that we can prepare the scientific, structural and pedagogical equipment to compete with advanced universities, including those at the international level, God willing, and why not?

May God grant everyone success for the good of the university and the country