A word from the director’s supervisor
The criterion for progress for any country is based on the importance it attaches to scientific research, and the material and human capabilities it monitors for this aspect.. From this standpoint, Algeria, through the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, has given significant attention to scientific research as it is an essential function of the university, in addition to teaching and community service.. Believing that it is the mainstay of development, pushing the wheel of development in society, in all economic, social, humanitarian and health fields, and solving the problems facing society, in addition to producing and manufacturing knowledge.. The university is considered a source of radiance through its encouragement of scientific production and placing it at the best level, especially at the national and international levels. The University of the Valley adopted this approach by seeking to establish research structures in various scientific and humanitarian disciplines, represented by laboratories, research units, joint research interests, and branches of national research centers.. It was also open to its local, economic and social surroundings This is done by concluding many agreements and memorandums of understanding, to be a source of radiation and the locomotive of development and local progress. Keeping pace with technological development, our university has opened up to the world, regionally and internationally, by concluding agreements with external universities to exchange experiences, develop skills, and control knowledge.. In the end, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and whoever follows the path has arrived, and success is the ally of every serious person....