Al Wadi University begins the administrative and pedagogical work of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences

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Al Wadi University begins the administrative and pedagogical work of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences
Today, February 8, 2023, Mr. Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, accompanied by the Vice-Directors of the University, the Secretary-General, the Deans of the University's Faculties, the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, a group of professors, administrators and students, inaugurated the administrative and pedagogical work process of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences after its promotion from an institute to a faculty by unveiling the new banner naming the faculty. After that, Mr. Director of the University, accompanied by the accompanying delegation, headed to perform the inauguration ceremony of the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Ibrahim Rahmani, by renewing confidence in him by Mr. Director, who opened the meeting by standing for a minute of silence and praying for the soul of the deceased, the Director of the University of Biskra, Professor Ahmed Boutarfaya.
The Director gave a presentation on the origins of Islamic sciences at Al Wadi University, thanking the college family for their personal and academic contributions, as they carry the slogan of moderation and balance in their message. After that, the Dean’s inauguration ceremony was held, with the signing of the inauguration minutes, amidst the joy of the attendees, including professors, students, employees, workers, and students.
This was followed by a speech by the Dean of the College, which included the highest thanks to the University Director as the official sponsor of upgrading the Institute to a College. He also urged the College family to join efforts to advance this gain and maintain it. After that, the Chairman of the Scientific Council, Professor Dr. Youssef Abdel-Lawi, spoke on behalf of the College professors, referring to the efforts of the men who had the merit of establishing the Islamic Sciences Department at the University to this day and reaching the rank of a College. He presented in numbers what the University contains of students, facilities, and administrators and the College’s ranking among the Colleges of Islamic Sciences in the country. These valuable words were followed by honoring the University Director with the Medal of Excellence, which he deservedly received as he was the one who had the merit of upgrading the Institute to a College. He was also decorated with the Soviet burnous that represents the identity of our region. The Secretary-General, Mr. Shawqi Mudallal, was also honored for the efforts made to accompany the upgrading of this edifice to a College with the Medal of Honor. In conclusion, Professors Al-Ashhab Abu Bakr, Mustafa Hamidato, and Rashid Bu Ghazala were honored by the College of Islamic Sciences and its university family.

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