Results of selecting students within the framework of the Erasmus Plus program towards the University of Rhone - France

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Results of selecting students within the framework of the Erasmus Plus program towards the University of Rhone - France

After the selection process for choosing students who will benefit from a scholarship to study for a semesterAt the French University of Rouen, within the International Student Mobility Program of the Erasmus Plus Program, the results were as follows:

 Pampered Wessal, English major

 Bouhlel Zenobia Nour El Hoda English major 

 Amina Tijani, English major 

 Qada Ahmed, English major 

 Nadia Baqas, French major 

 Ben Alou Mohammed, French major 

Jafari Samia, French major 

Anan Salah El-Din, English major

Maisa Mohammed, French major 

 Baloufi Mohamed Al-Saeed, Mathematics major 

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