El Oued University organizes a symposium for scientific research: methodological problems and digital challenges

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El Oued University organizes a symposium for scientific research: methodological problems and digital challenges

Today, December 7, 2022, the Scientific Research Symposium on Methodological Problems and Digital Challenges was held at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, under the supervision of the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, organized by the Self-Development Team through Developing the Capacities of Local Communities in coordination with the Social Development and Community Service Laboratory, and in the presence of the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences and the Director of the Social Development Laboratory, Dr. Howaidi Abdel Basset, and Ms. Dr. Khadija Labihi, Director of the Symposium, along with a number of professors and male and female students. 
The Dean of the College of Social and Human Sciences, Dr. Ammar Ghraisa, opened the symposium after welcoming the attendees. During the symposium, the head of the symposium, Dr. Labihi Khadija, gave a speech on the importance of the symposium in explaining the methodological problems facing the student.
The symposium also included a group of diverse interventions in their specializations, led by Professor Dr. Bilal Boutraa, Dr. Khadija Labihi, and Dr. Abdelkader Khaima. The interventions were distributed between methodological aspects, mechanisms for using the critical approach, and how to adopt digitization.
 The symposium was an opportunity for master’s students to discuss several points about preparing the thesis and using digitization in it. The symposium concluded with the approval of all those who participated in it, hoping to renew the meeting at later scientific times.

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