El Oued University organizes the fourth international conference on mathematics, the theory of indicators and differential equations, fourth edition

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El Oued University organizes the Fourth International Forum in Mathematics

Theory of Indicators and Differential Equations, Fourth Edition

On Wednesday, December 7, 2022, in the Grand Lecture Hall of Dr. Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah, the Faculty of Exact Sciences at the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar in El-Oued organized an international forum on the theory of indicators and differential equations, in the presence of the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, and his two deputies in charge of external relations, Professor Qadda Al-Habib, in charge of research. Scientific research, Professor Boubacar Mansour, Dean of the Faculty of Exact Sciences, Professor Dr. Abdel-Wahab Mansour, Head of the Mathematics Department, Professor Baloul Al-Saeed, Deputy Dean of Scientific Research for the Faculty, Professor Dr. Baqas Ezzedine, and a group of mathematics professors from various Algerian universities from the sister state of Tunisia, the Universities of Sfax and Gabes.
After the Dean of the College welcomed all the attendees, he thanked the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, for his constant support for scientific research and all previous editions of the forum, presenting all the statistics related to the international forum, which is attended by more than 80 participants.
Let the University Rector come forward to talk about the role of mathematics in science and technology and the necessity of encouraging researchers in various mathematics specializations. The University Rector praised the achievements achieved by the Faculty of Exact Sciences and its professors, as Professor Dr. Baloul Al-Saeed obtained first place in the professorship ranks for the previous session and Dr. Hassan Zalasi obtained the The Analysis Chair of the Maurice Audin Foundation and the membership of Professor Dr. Abdel Wahab Mansour as an international arbitrator in the American Mathematics Foundation. The University Rector wished all the participants success in their research work to announce the launch of the work of the Fourth International Forum in Mathematics, The Theory of Indicators and Differential Equations, Fourth Edition.
The inaugural lecture was given by Professor Researcher Bouroubi Al-Sadiq from Houari Boumediene University of Science and Technology
The forum was divided into two days. The first day included three workshops in various mathematics specializations, with an average of 10 interventions in each workshop for two days. A pavilion was also allocated for research comments.

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